Friday 11 August 2017

Welcome to the Blog!

Welcome to the BTEC Creative Digital Media Production Blog 

Welcome to the blog! All students who are taking Unit 45: Commercial Radio will be expected to visit this blog page and contribute at different times of the course. The purpose of the blog will help you with assignment briefs, homework tasks and lesson catchups. This will hopefully be one of many posts for all of us.

This blog and the creation of your own is vital to your success on this course. You will need to ensure that 
homework tasks are completed on here as directed, which will enable you to prepare for coursework 
ideas relating for some of you to your practical projects.

Remember that all work submitted on your blog must be clearly titled and must also be backed up on your drive.

During our intro lesson, I set you all the task of logging into the blog and getting aquatinted, by uploading some relevant information about this unit. Please follow instructions below to get yourself started and  view the video below to have an idea of how to work the blog and feel free to go ahead and start using this blog as a resource area for Unit 45.

Fay :)

Setting Up Your Blog
1. Set up a Gmail account
2. Once you have set up your Gmail account, you need to create your own Media Studies blog. Use the following
 link to help you set up: CLICK HERE
3. You need to set up your blog name and URL as - coulsdonmedia(yourname)

Important Links
-The links below will take you to the college email and college moodle pages. 
-Remember - you must check your college email every day as this is where you will be sent information from 
your teachers and the college.
-You will also find email addresses for all of your media teachers below.