
Please, feel free to download and print any handouts that you feel may assist you, within and outside of college.

Essay Structure Guide
This document will help you with structuring your writing, for future essays.

Referencing and Neil's Toolbox Guide
This document will inform you and include examples of how to apply referencing to your writing.

Week 6: (In class work) Set of 8 questions
This document refers to the set of questions in class, introduced in week 6.

Presentation Feedback Form
This document can be downloaded and used for group feedback within class.

Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Sound
This document includes a thorough explanation of the two main sound types, explored in radio.

Notes for Assignment 1
This document has helpful pointers for assignment 1.

Script writing shortcuts
This document will help you with examples and shortcuts to develop your four script documents.

Logic Shortcuts
This document includes basic examples of how to use the audio editing software 'Logic'

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