
This page is strictly for HOMEWORK!  

Any Homework Assignments set for any specific week will be posted on this page, this way if you are given a hard copy or write it down and loose it, or for any reason are not in for that week you can check what homework assignment has been uploaded to the blog for your convenience.

Week 2: Blog Entry 
Each student is to make a 5-10 minute Vlog entry about themselves, including hobbies/interests, previous schools, future plans etc. Once your Vlog has been uploaded, please choose someones Blog page to view their Vlog and post a comment on.

Week 3: Essay Structure
Please refer to and use this document, when writing your assignment or any homework with a word count. This structure is how I would like all of your work to be presented.

Week 5: ASA Complaint Guide
Read through the document above and make a step by step guide in filing a complaint under the ASA, for an offensive or unfair commercial radio advert/TV Advert

Week 7: Half Term Work 

Read through the above document and answer the following questions in powerpoint presentation form. This should be uploaded to your blog page and available/printed for lesson (after the half term break) in preparation to present. Please email me the link to your page advising me you have completed this task so I can provide you with feedback before the presentation date.

Week 16: Each group should be planning and creating their presentations, in preparation for treatment 1.

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